

A Deep Way

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Martin Shaw wonders aloud about in a deep way to communicate and consider “all the trembling bells at the edge of our vision.”


“Folks I am halfway thru Martin Shaw’s online course and it is is lush, full of life, heart and courage. It’s a bargain and recommend it.”
Victoria Whelan
“I can say I am deeply moved by the course and look forward to watching it over and over in the months and years to come.”
Daniel Robert
“This course is hitting me square in the heart. What a gift.”
Stephan Pradarelli
“Packed into Martin Shaw’s Lessons is just what you would for: meaning, purpose, belonging, wildness, discipline,. irreverence, and courtship. Start here.”
Sarah Coleman
“When this course came up I instantly knew I wanted to take it. It feels like medicine and teaching that reaches the deepest places in me.”
Elloa Phoenix Barbour
Mystery School Wisdom